child on a slide

Theo – The Heart Warrior

This is my baby bear living his best life at @weecarehfx. Wee Care changed Theo's life. Simply put, the staff here are incredible.Theo has grown…

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Kymiah London Graduation

Kymiah London’s story

In September 2008, Kymiah was one year old. She was a tiny little girl with a head the size of a cantaloupe and a diagnosis…

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Esme story

We sent our 18 month old here for one month before having to switch due to commute reasons. This is a fantastic school with truly…

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Katrina’s Story

We are so proud. There are no words to express the feelings we have, the gratitude for all the work, patience and caring that has…

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Tyler’s Story

One of the gifts I know Wee Care will give Tyler is the ability to care about, share with, understand and respect all children whatever…

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